Where’s Receipt from Corner Store? Did Trayvon Martin Steal Skittles & Arizona Iced Tea? & Was Zimmerman Notified of “Young, Black Male in Hoodie with Stolen Skittles? PeopleAgainstShittyCop Wants to Know!

I’ve read more than thirty articles now and continue looking for ANY proof that 17-year-old Trayvon Martin actually PAID  for both items he supposedly bought from a nearby corner store before his death in the Twin Lakes gated community where his father lived, but I’m not finding ANY evidence he DIDN’T STEAL them.

I hope I’m NOT the only one asking this question and know there’s going to be some backlash for asking it. But if Martin was stealing from or suspected of stealing from any of the neighborhood’s corner stores, we need to know.

After more review, I find the Sanford Police DO believe Martin STOLE the candy and the tea:

“After we stripped the dead suspect and tested him for drug and alcohol use and then dug under his finger and toe nails for any incriminating DNA, we checked his blood-soaked clothes for any kind of evidence of wrong doing. All we found was 34 cents and a couple of baseball cards.” …

“That’s it?” Gretchen Carlson asked dismayed.

“Seems to me that something was obviously missing: why wasn’t there a receipt for the pop [sic] and candy?” …

“We at the Sanford Police Department asked the exact same question, Gretchen,” Lee explained.

“We concluded that the suspect must have stolen the candy and tea, and in my mind that bolstered Mr. Zimmerman’s self-defense claim. (Link)

Numerous media outlets and the official police report have established that all Martin had in his possession with him at the time of his death was a bag of Skittles and a can of Arizona Iced Tea. But did he pay for BOTH them.

Determining whether he paid for or stole the items will go a long way in establishing the already questionable character of this young, black male who news reports say DID come from a broken home.

About cardinalangel
What Shittycop is all about is NOT exposing police brutality - but encouraging police brutality. As with other blog service providers - such as Wordpress - Shittycop makes grand headlines and then in fine print calls for violence against police & urination during their funerals. Clearly well beyond "inappropriate" into the "hateful" and "threatening" level.

195 Responses to Where’s Receipt from Corner Store? Did Trayvon Martin Steal Skittles & Arizona Iced Tea? & Was Zimmerman Notified of “Young, Black Male in Hoodie with Stolen Skittles? PeopleAgainstShittyCop Wants to Know!

  1. Pingback: Your son would look like this, President Obama? Really? New Trayvon Martin Facebook Photos Show He WANTED to be a Menace to Society « peopleagainstshittycop

  2. Pingback: (NEW) Trayvon Martin Facebook Image w/Cap “to the Back” & Wear-ing ALL BLACK Show Intimidating Menace to Society We’d All Fear! « peopleagainstshittycop

  3. Pingback: The “Nigger” in Thug’s Clothing: Trayvon Martin Facebook Photos Show What George Zimmerman Knew & the Reason We Should ALL Thank Him « Uglyamerica’s Blog

  4. me says:

    Racist idiots

    • WaterDQ says:

      glad you said it. I buy things and never keep my receipts. Just ask the 7-Eleven clerk if he remembers selling it? He had 34 cents on him, maybe that was change from buying it. Are people that stupid or that cynical. I had a black friend in high school, based on pictures I could find they dressed the same and posed the same and he was a good kid. Got into pot but never nothing bad like stealing or robbing. People are stupid, how many here hold on to their receipts?

      • Sam says:

        WaterDQ – I never ask for a receipt either but, for your info, the “computerized” cash register keeps a record of every transaction for any particular shift. It would not be hard to run the tape and see if there was a transaction for tea and skittles…

        • Mo says:

          Are you stupid Sam. There is a video of him at the store purchasing the items.

          • No, He’s not stupid, Just Ignorant because like all GZ supporters they could care less about the fact a teen was murdered because they need to win the war that stemmed from an innocent child’s murder because they have to remain ignorant to keep blaming the VICTIM, They don’t want justice, They’re not even fighting FOR JUSTICE? they want to win a fight that started only because the SFPD told the Martins this fine law degree college major wouldn’t be arrested because he had every right to kill TRAYVON BENJAMIN MARTIN & had permission to pack a gun SO THE martins did what any of us would do, They screamed for help for SOMEBODY to notice their child was murdered for no reason at all & you’d think that BECAUSE SHARPTON & the PANTHERS heard that call for help they’d be grateful BUT NO, IT WAS PERFECT TIMING yet again to start a war that brews every single day just waiting for an excuse to be used because of somebody’s damn skin color, Fukkin Idiots make me so angry,So you see, That’s the only reason anybody could blame the VICTIM & side for a killer and they’ll hang on to it because there’s a new recruit everyday that makes it stronger & they strive for the day GZ walks, Why? Not because they know he’s Innocent? but because they could care less, They got a battle to win and need all the ammo they can get! That’s just how I see it? I was married 25 yrs when my husband was murdered in cold blood and evidence galore yet the cops even waited 2 weeks & let the murderer bring his own “handmade premeditated murder weapon” in to them HIMSELF but through it all I learned one thing for certain, I learned just how worthless my husband really was & certainly how worthless I was, I was treated like i lost my damn car keys and NOBODY gave me the time of day? I was even told the murderers doing fine, Leave it alone? So that’s reality and I can’t go another DAY WITHOUT BEARING THE DAMN THE TRUTH because some idiot doesn’t understand what a murder victim faces? After death too? And you’re the greediest human alive because you loved the victim whose life they took and destroyed yours because of a stupid split second choice a lot of people make every day, Whether to get back in your truck like 911 suggested? But for some reason they can’t control it like most of us do? Yet we pay dearly for THEIR MISTAKE, Steal a mans mower & go to prison so really you should have just murdered the guy who owned the mower & they know’ll they’ll never be convicted!

            • nunya business says:

              Sorry but they have been trying to hang GZ from day1. The State attorney is being brought up on charges for not seeing all the evidence before rushing him to trial. The police chief was fired for not arresting him when he had obvious self-defense wounds and the judge, who is supposed to be impartial, was badgering him in court to try and force testimony out of him Someone gave instructions from high up to hang him on these charges. An innocent widdle boy would have gone home and finished watching his NBA game, not tried to jump someone in a dark alley for being a “Creepy ass cracker”

              • iamchattycathy says:

                WOW! So if Trayvon deserved to die forr that why the hell didn’t GZ die when he beat his fiance, bullied coworkers, carried his own personal chair from home to work and chained it to his desk and another person had to cut the lock off to even get in his damn desk & GZ made his company buy him that 7 dollor lock? Which by the way was his own fault because I can ‘t imagine GZ would have the audacity to think other people worked there too? Crimanals & thieves come in all shapes, sizes, colors & use different tactics but they’re still thieves just in different ways.GZ had a Daddy Judge to get him off all those times. He was accused of molesting a relative when he was Trayvons age.THE GIRL WAS TERRIFIED & DAMAGED BUT HAD TO HIDE HER PAIN TO KEEP HIS SECRETS & WORSE IF EVEN POSSIBLE asked to do so BY THE VERY PEOPLE WHO ARE SUPPOSED TO PROTECT YOU WHEN THAT SHIT HAPPENS SO THANK GOD YOU realize now that if TM DESERVED TO BE MURDERED BECAUSE HE MADE A FEW LITTLE MISTAKES THEN YOU OUGHT to BE SATISFIED AS HELL that GZ DESERVES TO DIE FOR WHAT HE DID & HE’s on trial now for one simple reason? instead of blaming God for planning the murder he better wise up and BLAME DEAR OLE DAD FOR THAT ONE because he helped him during his petty crimes & now there’s no way to save him, Because let’s be honest? Wether he walks or leisurely skips of that courtroom he will always be hated & considered a murderer to most people, karmas a bitch and the only seeds that sprout are the ones you plant.

                • nunya business says:

                  Um yeah, attacking people is called assault. And murder cases have to have a preponderance of evidence showing that he was not acting in self-defense, not touchy feely emotion driven mobs and psuedo-evidence on either side of the argument and altercations that involved 2 people with no other witness or evidence. Somebody saying xyz happened in a domestic dispute doesn’t make it true. When I was growing up my sister used to kick bite and scratch me constantly and lied about it, until I snapped and threw her into a door and suddenly she decided it wasn’t such a great idea. Also if you are making accusations put links to actual evidence, not heresay.

              • iamchattycathy says:

                He hanged himself and deserves it!

                According to a records search on George, he was previously arrested for domestic violence, resisting an officer without violence and most shockingly, resisting an officer with violence — a felony charge that surely could have landed him in prison.

                All three of those arrests, however, were mysteriously closed with no semblance of charges for the Florida resident. So how was someone with a violent past including that of battery against an officer able to carry a 9 mm handgun? Maybe that’s a question Robert Zimmerman should answer …

                • iamchattycathy says:

                  But the teen is the thug? right?

                  • Eeks says:

                    The second he turned around and attacked, yes, he became the thug.

                    Zimmerman might be (well, really is there any doubt?) a moron and of questionable character. However, nobody is required to take a beating from an assailant!

                    If a guy who is bigger than you attacks you, yells that he’s going to kill you, pins you to the ground, breaks your nose, and slams your head repeatedly to the pavement, I think you’d believe your life was in jeopardy. At that moment, under the law, GZ was legally justified in using deadly force to defend his life.

                    This case isn’t even a close call.

                    • Ladee says:

                      The second Martin turned around he was defending himself. If some creepy man is following me in the middle of the night, I might be inclined to attack too. Zimmerman walked up on him with a gun and called it neighborhood watch. At the end of the day, a grown man killed a child. A child who would not be dead had Zimmerman listened to the 911 operator and went back to his damn car!! You are right about one thing, this case was never a close call. Zimmerman’s action caused the death of a child, it’s manslaughter. Case closed…

            • CW Baker says:

              Nope. He was not murdered. He was a violent, drug abusing psycho who attempted to kill a man. Zimmerman defended himself. Your comments here prove you are entirely ignorant regarding the actual facts of the case.

    • I guess Trayvon was a thief too just because his skin was black, God forbid he had killed the clerk when he stole it…Buncha idiots in here worrying if Trayvon stole candy, I think I’d worry more about an “Innocent child’s life being STOLEN” ALONG WITH HIS SCREAMS FOR HELP!

      • Amber says:

        Exactly. People are focusing on all the wrong things.

        • Thank You for recognizing it! They dang sure are & I’m adding a comment to the whole gang in this reply reply to you, I didn’t want you thinking I misunderstood you and was “attacking you” LoL But it’s something EVERYONE should think about!

          I know some may not like this but I’m gonna say it, I am sick to the bone from hearing about how TM & family turned this into a racial thing? EXCUSE ME?
          What I remember is their son was found dead & they didn’t know what the hell to do, They never had a child murdered before so they did what Z did without committing murder? They called the popo & was told “They couldn’t arrest him, he was trained and going to college, blah blah blah” but all in all they were told this fine man wouldn’t be arrested? Now,let’s pretend our house is on fire & we got just enough time to get one kid out, If Sharpton or the Panthers were walking by you’re telling me that you wouldn’t allow them to save the other? If not I hope u don’t have kids, TM didn’t plan on getting killed & his parents didn’t plan on HAVING TO SCREAM BEYOND THE SFPD for help? But they did nothing & so THEY SCREAMED LOUDER JUST LIKE U WOULD? Why is it TM & his family are blamed because SOMEONE HEARD THEIR CRIES & ANSWERED WHEN NO ONE ELSE WOULD? SO THE ONLY PERSON TO ANSWER THEIR CRIES IS WRONG & MAKES THEM RACISTS? People should be ashamed that they’re helping a man get away with what he did/is? What if it was your son? Jesus Fuckin Christ a damn child was murdered for no reason WHAT THE HELL?
          PUT THE STUPID EXCUSES AWAY & DO SOMETHING,LIKE YOU WOULD FOR YOUR’S? YOU KNOW AS WELL AS I DO THIS MEANT NOTHING TO GZ? Say what you want but a man who regretted it would’ve done a lot of things different & he sure wouldn’t say “Oh when i leave jail I’ll put a hoodie on to hide” He knew the significance that hoodie brought?

      • Amber says:

        My problem with this case is that people are trying to justify Zimmerman killing a child by trying to make it seem like trayvon was a bad person. Whether or not that is true is irrelevant. On that note original poster: The photo you have posted of a shirtless boy is of a different Trayvon Martin. One that was still alive and in no way related to the deceased.

      • CW Baker says:

        Nope, he was a thief because he was previously caught with burglary tools and a backpack full of watches and women’s jewelry. He was a violent thug because he had a codeine abuse problem. Codeine causes violent and paranoid behavior, as it did with Trayvon. Trayvon was not innocent. His life was not “stolen”, it was forfeit in trying to take the life of the actual innocent (GZ), and it was proven that it was George calling for help, not Trayvon. Try actually doing some research on this case instead of swallowing what you are spoon fed as truth.

    • Rowan says:

      some clerks ask you if you wan tyoure receipt or not. and i watched a video yesterday with security phootage of him buying the skittle and tea .

    • Tabitha L. says:

      ummm u are idiots bc if you are really ‘following’ this case you would have SEEN THE 7-11 SURVEILLANCE VIDEO that clearly shows Trayvon Martin put the skittles and arizona iced tea on the counter and the cashier ring him up and TRAYVON PAY FOR THE DAMN DRINK AND CANDY. no wonder why there is STILL prejudice and racism in this country, bc of ppl like yourselves that automatically assume this child stole bc of the way he looks… unbelievable!! if you are still in disbelief that he did pay for the snacks, then do some research and look for the tape bc i know what i saw on tv and i saw Trayvon pay for the iced tea and skittles and i’m sure i wasn’t the only person that watched that tape that was broad-casted on national tv… you ppl ought to be ashamed of yourselves, and i hope that you will never have to endure the pain that his family has to go thru everyday of their lives, bc of some idiot wanna-be cop that was itching to use his handgun on someone, and i hope that fat bastard GEORGE ZIMMERMAN will have to spend the rest of his life regretting that day in Feb. 2012. and just for sh*ts and giggles, i am of irish, polish & puerto rican descent =)

    • nunya business says:

      http://cdn2-b.examiner.com/sites/default/files/styles/image_content_width/hash/20/bf/20bfdd53b8ac41c221be3ddee9f039ed.jpg?itok=WJRy-CwG Sorry but it goes both ways. The law is as it is for a reason, so it is not all emotional pleas and mobs.

  5. dorien says:

    I don’t think it matters if he was a thief or not. The fcts remain that zimmerman chased this boy. You can’t chase someone( or be the aggressor) and claim self defense. Furthermore, even if he caught Trayvon red handed, he could have just held him there until the cops came. He put his hands on that boy without permission ant that alone is the definition of assault. This accusation is irrellevant. I mean , I am a grown. And law abiding woman and I don’t keep my receipts!

    • WKC says:

      Zimmerman had a broken nose and the back of his head was bleeding, eye witnesses said Martin beat Zimmerman’s head on the ground. Self defense pure and simple.

      • Lori says:

        Actually, Zimmerman doesn’t have a broken nose. I’m in the area and that was closed yesterday.

        I doubt Trayvon stole anything. If you aren’t from the area, and don’t know that 7-11, you wouldn’t know the people working there watch that shit like a hawk. Shit, they have a guy following you around, White, Black or Hispanic, to make sure you aren’t stealing shit from there. Plus, 7-11 isn’t going to tell you or anyone else crap about whether Trayvon bought anything there or not. You’ll get to see a nice blown up shot of the receipt at Zimmerman’s trial next year or the year after.

        • Lori says:

          The reason they have that guy following you is because there is a large homeless population in that area of 7-11 behind the Sam’s Club.

        • NiggaPlease says:

          Thats funny. The medical report subpoenaed by the defense said he had a broken nose. Maybe you know more than a doctor, though.

          • THEI says:

            Did anyone see Trayvon punch him?

          • badgerbm says:

            Actually, the report said that Martin told his doctor that the EMTs said that he had a broken nose. But hey, Martin was allegedly a MMA fighter and a master of the Five Finger Death Punch so he’d probably be able to break someone’s nose in such a way that it didn’t cause massive bleeding and immediate swelling, like any sort of facial injury usually does.

            • Mo says:

              He didn’t break ANYONE’S nose. YOU Obviously don’t know shit about the case GZ had insignificant marks to his nose

      • Eric says:

        Guess what WKC, two weeks ago i was walking with my gf though a mall and a kid i had a problem with jumped out behind a counter and threw a punch at me, thank god i ducked it, and being that im a wrestler, i picked him up, slammed him on the ground, ( that means i was on top, ) and beat the shit out of him, but guess what, i was attacked and acted in self defense

      • Lori says:

        Sorry WKC, here’s Zimmerman coming into the police station. If he really had a broken nose I think it would at least be noticeable here. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/03/28/trayvon-martin-police-video_n_1386764.html?ref=mostpopular

        Zimmerman is a liar and his lawyer still refuses to answer the question on local news here in Central Florida about who these witnesses were that saw this beat down happening. He said he could find them in due time. Sounds like a smear campaign to me.

        • Common Sense says:

          Zimmerman clearly wasn’t injured enough. He should have waited until he was laying semi-conscious in a pool of his own blood, with a fractured skull and half his teeth knocked out, before defending himself.

          Also, if he intended to “lynch a niggar”, which seems to be what you blacks and self-hating whites are accusing him of, why would he call the cops beforehand? Why would he call them after the fact? “Derr i’m standing behind such-and-such.” *blast him* “Hi, I just shot such-and-such”. Sounds like the actions of a heartless cold-blooded murderer, right? Murderers routinely call the cops before and after murdering people.

          • Julie says:

            Nothing more than little booboos! my boys, while growing up, got hurt more than this chicken s–t, AND sure as hell didn’t have to shoot anyone! Z already had a violent past and aggressive personality!

        • NiggaPlease says:

          Gee Lori, you know that 80% of broken noses aren’t like on TV. Without Xrays you can just look at a nose and know it is or isn’t broken.
          All you fucking armchair doctors need to STFU. You babble all this bullshit and have no clue what you are talking about.
          It’s true, some broken noses are bloody, smashed, and crooked. 90% of them look perfectly normal. It takles an Xray to see a fracture in a bone.

          The sad part is at least 12 of the jurors will be ignorant fuckers like you whose only education is from “American Idol” on TV.

          Of course it didn’t look broken. How many victims “look” raped?

        • your fiend says:

          WHAT? Release the names of the witnesses and have you coons hound and intiminate them? I don’t think so. Smart call for Zimmermans lawyer. F#@* you very much.

      • Julie says:

        Also on 2 presc meds. Adderall: an amphetamine (speed) which makes people paranoid
        And Temazepam: a sedative used for insomnia, which he needed NO DOUBT, after taking speed during the day!

    • holdmeh555 says:

      Some stores does not give you a receipt

      • reallypeople says:

        Ok really dude.. 99.9% of all stores give receipts especially 7-11’s and that is a shit excuse.. I love your ignorance though.. Its perfect for this forum.

    • nate.w. says:

      It does matter if he stole them because if he did that could give a him a reason to be aggressive towards Zimm if he was in fear of being arrested or something

    • Jane says:

      Hogwash. If he was a thief, then that shows character. There were nine burglaries in recent weeks in that apartment complex. Zimmerman may have thought he was a thief. And by now you have read the stories about his school found all sorts of jewelry and a burglary tool in his book bag. Police wrote up a report on it.

      • Haterd sucks says:

        Jane quit adding to the stroy. The police reports said nothing about jewelry or a burglary tool in his book bag all they found was residue. Quit trying to discredit his namw to support your own racists thoughts and beliefs. So ignorant.

        • The truth shall set you free says:

          She’s not making stuff up, that thief got caught in school with 12 pieces of women jewerly and a flat head screw driver, he was suspended from his school 3 times, used drugs. quit acting like this 6’2 kid was a “sweet little angel” inform your self please.

    • sick of race says:

      You can’t chase someone and claim self-defense? Woh. So if you were following someone, and they turned around and knocked you to the ground and then started bashing your head against the concrete, you would not fight back because that would not be self-defese? Wow.

      Yeah, the racism bothers me, too. Black-on -black and black-on-white crime happens so often and the only time all these protests happen is when it’s a rare white-on-black incident. It’s really racist the way those baiters like sharpton, jackson, and all their followers show up and act like white people are killing “black children” left and right — especially when the truth is, the real problem is “polar-bear hunting,” “knock-out king,” and ” beat whitey night” — all brawls where crowds of blacks pummel white people — often elderly, and always “unarmed,” as Trayvon is always described. Buncha racists.


      Read this bullshit article [ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shooting_of_Trayvon_Martin ], which does not show a recent photo of the punk Martin that George Zimmerman shot, and then have the balls to tell the world that Martin was innocent! GO AHEAD, I DARE YOU!!!!!

    • Exactly, And I would place a bet that if GZ had more time Trayvon would’ve had drugs and or a weapon on him, GZ didn’t stretch his arms out thinking he had a weapon (even whilst knowing he just went for his (roll eyes) but GZ in my very own and always honest opinion was freaking out because he just knew Trayvon was packing a weapon or drugs & he’d be a hero for saving his neighborhood but he flipped out when he only found some skiittles instead & that’s why he was walking back and fro from the body and why he was over the body when the cop walked up on him? Tell me that don’t make perfect sense? It sure makes a lot more than GZ ever did!

  6. Pingback: (PASC RETRACTION) Images of “Trayvon” throwing ‘gang signs’, shooting middle finger & ‘intentionally trying to look intimidating’ taken from the WRONG “Trayvon Martin” Facebook Account; Determination as

  7. Pingback: (PASC RETRACTION) Images of “Trayvon” throwing ‘gang signs’, shooting middle finger & ‘intentionally trying to look intimidating’ taken from the WRONG “Trayvon Martin” Facebook Account; Determination as

  8. aleshia hefner says:


    • T's mama says:

      Had that been my kid, I would thank this site for making me laugh and allowing me to momentarily forget my grief. It’s not like “T” wasn’t going to end up the same way by the time he was 20. At least in this case I get to sue and hit the lottery!!

    • kayesha says:

      Trayvon whatever the hoodlums name was was evil. Zimmerman is a hero

    • Specever says:

      >implying this was even a race crime
      what are you, autism?

    • Common Sense says:

      How would you feel if your son was a semi-literate JEWELRY THIEF AND VANDAL, covered in gang tattoos, who assaulted neighborhood watch VOLUNTEERS?

      • Oh wow! A tattoo of his mom (Sybrina) is a gang tattoo now? Justin Bieber has tattoos too? Is he a gang-banger? Can you please provide the police report or formal charges/conviction of theft? If not, then STFU! Semi-literate? Really, is that why he got A’s and B’s in school was going on to college to study engineering?

        You’re a racist piece of shit!

    • nunya says:

      Amen sis

  9. Pingback: (UPDATE) Ladies & Gentlemen, introducing the Real Trayvon Martin: From Miami, was “SLIMM (@NO_LIMIT_NIGGA)” on Twitter, was suspended from school for 10 days & killed by George Zimmerman (after stealing Skittles from store?) while visi

  10. Pingback: (UPDATE) Ladies & Gentlemen, introducing the Real Trayvon Martin: From Miami, was “SLIMM (@NO_LIMIT_NIGGA)” on Twitter, was suspended from school for 10 days & killed by George Zimmerman (after stealing Skittles from store?) while visi

  11. Natalie K. says:

    Firstly, I have been to numerous corner stores that do not give a receipt unless you ask for one besides it was skittles and ice tea…did he really need a receipt?? Some people are trying so hard to prove or justify why Zimmerman had a right to kill. PLEASE STOP! There is no way, shape, or form to justify how he decided to play the role of God and take a life. Zimmermen was not notified of anything involving a robbery!!!!!! Infact, Zimmerman noticed Trayvon because he was BLACK and wearing a HOODIE….Was zimmerman even registered to have a gun…?? Can he provide a receipt or documents??

    • Bob says:

      I have probably made thousands of purchases at 7-11 and I never get a receipt. A lack of a receipt has nothing to do with this to anybody with any common sense.

    • Jasmin says:

      Sometimes i don’t get a receipt or a bag but still i paid and sometimes I through the receipt away they need to take all of those factors into consideration.
      ~ singed a mad black educated beauty

    • sick of race says:

      You know for a fact Zimmerman noticed Martin ‘cos he was black. Gee, were you born with that mind-reading ability, or did you have to develop it over time?

      Some people think all white people think about is, “Oh, look, there’s a black person!” But we really don’t. It’s the blacks who are always noticing and talking about race (and white leftists, who want to spread their cultural marxism) – whites honestly don’t go around thinking about race all the tme — or herdly ever. It’s like muslims are always thinking Christians are planning how they can “get” them, but we really don’t think about islam much, if ever, until there’s a Ft. Hood type of killing (or we have to get on a plane.)

    • nunya says:


  12. kristin says:

    When is the last time anyone kept a receipt from a corner store? Automatically assuming this kid must have stolen these items absent a receipt is just in line with a miserable stereotype and kept police from doing a thorough job. I bet they treated his dead body like trash.

  13. Jennifer says:

    I’ve been looking for ANY proof that the writer of this blog is not a computer-generated bot from the planet Jupiter.

    Basic logic: you cannot prove a negative.

    FWIW, I rarely keep receipts for minor purchases. If the cashier asks, “Do you want a receipt?” I say no thanks. If given a receipt, I often leave it in the store or toss it in the trash.

    “I’ve been looking for ANY proof that 17-year-old Trayvon Martin actually PAID for both items.”

    Just brilliant. Your future as an investigative reporter is ensured.

    • That DOESN’T mean that Trayvon DIDN’T steal them!

      • latinparis1854 says:

        And it doesn’t mean he did. Who cares? Bottom line, that man should’ve let the police do their job.

        • Common Sense says:

          So should Tray-von. If he felt that he was being stalked, HE should have called the cops and not assaulted Zimmerman.

          • nunya says:

            You don’t know what happened though? I mean, were u there to find who hit whom first?

            • nunya business says:

              Um yeah that is the point nobody can say who hit whom first, but Trayvon didn’t have a mark on him except his fists and the way our system is structured without that proof you have to assume innocence. Not also mentioning the fact that I am fairly certain Trayvon could have just outrun Zimmerman and that Zimmerman approaching someone doesn’t show he attacked anyone. Also the only truly racist words I heard in all the testimony came out of Trayvon’s mouth and everyone is assuming GZ was racist by using the word assholes which I suppose is supposed to be code for whatever racist term you want him to use since you want him to be a racist. http://www.nydailynews.com/news/national/autopsy-shows-trayvon-martin-injuries-knuckles-report-article-1.1079190

  14. Pingback: (UPDATE) Ladies & Gents, introducing the Real Trayvon Martin: From Miami, was “SLIMM (@NO_LIMIT_NIGGA)” on Twitter, was suspended from school for 10 days FOR DRUGS & killed by George Zimmerman (after stealing Skittles from store?) whil

  15. Pingback: (UPDATE) Ladies & Gents, introducing the Real Trayvon Martin: From Miami, was “SLIMM (@NO_LIMIT_NIGGA)” on Twitter, was suspend-ed from school for 10 days FOR DRUGS & killed by George Zimmerman (after stealing Skittles from store?) whi

  16. Pingback: (UPDATE) Ladies & Gents, introducing the Real Trayvon Martin: From Miami, was “SLIMM (@NO_LIMIT_NIGGA)” on Twitter, was suspend-ed from school for 10 days FOR DRUGS & killed by George Zimmer-man (after stealing Skittles from store?) wh

  17. Pingback: (UPDATE) Ladies & Gents, introducing the Real Trayvon Martin: From Miami, was “SLIMM (@NO_LIMIT_NIGGA)” on Twitter, was suspend-ed from school for 10 days FOR DRUGS & killed by George Zimmer-man (after stealing Skittles from store?) wh

  18. Pingback: High on weed, did SLIMM (@NO_LIMIT_NIGGA) Tray-von Martin steal the Skittles from neighborhood’s corner store before flipping Zimmerman off w/middle finger & causing confrontation that ENDED his life? « Uglyamerica’s Blog

  19. jaymsd23 says:


    Why would he have 34 cents on him. ERRRMM PERHAPS AS CHANGE FOR THE SKITTLES HE BOUGHT?!?!?!?!

    When you buy something costing less than a dollar from a store do you often pick up a receipt, and do all convenience stores even give receipts?

    Rather than him being a crazed drug dealing Skittles thief, perhaps he’s just a kid who didn’t bother to ask for a receipt for his pack of Skittles, and rather than a drug dealing delinquent perhaps he was just a kid into hip-hop culture?

    If he had got the receipt you’d probably label him a shameless litterbug when it fell from his lifeless hand as that fat dickhead shot him in cold blood whilst living out his wet-dream of having some semblance of authority or meaning anything to anyone.

    It’s not like Zimmerman is even white, so does this really come down to white racists preferring Hispanics to Blacks?

  20. lina says:

    i think who ever thinks he stole the damn items is also a racistt he deserves justice this is ridiclous what if your child was walking down the street eating snacks ad gets attacked , i guess yo ass wouldnt be saying these things now , you would be trying to get justice like trayvon and his family + others

    • Erica says:

      I suppose it would be too much for you to actually write in English? What are you saying here? Good grief, people are stupid. Educate yourself, please.

      • FreeLogic4U says:

        What is it your problem Erica? I can understand perfectly what Lina said. Reading comprehension is not your strong point, is it?

    • joey says:

      I agree with you whether he stole them or not is irrelevant. But in Zimmermans defense he does have a constitutional right to a fair trial which will be very difficult to achieve.

  21. Does not prove anything! says:

    This doesn’t prove anything! He could have thrown the receipt out… he might not have even been given one. Stores don’t always give people receipts, especially for a purchase that small! I’ve bought things before without receiving a receipt.

  22. johnfreyan says:

    I just bought some Doritos and a can of Sprite from 7-11 just down the street.

    Oh wait! Where’s my receipt?! Man… I guess I stole them.


  23. Red Penn says:

    who paid for a mouthful of gold teeth?

    Hmmm. Several thousand bucks worth of gold
    for a 17yo.

    • Lori says:

      It was already proven to be a toy gold grill.

      • I believe that only represents his embrace of the anti white, black thug culture that this kid OBVIOUSLY embraced, don’t you?

        • nunya says:

          It’s anti white to embrace what ever lifestyle, way of dress, and behavior we choose? The law is simple : you actually have to be CAUGHT breaking the law, wait for law enforcement, and then allow for due process… please stop before something terrible happens to you that could’ve been avoided as a result of your ignorance and obvious bigotry and/or racism

          • nunya business says:

            Can’t call someone racist for taking a photo with a prop or fake grill in their mouth young adults often screw around and take pictures they are later not proud of. The more troubling aspects are the fight clubs and assault on a bus driver, which showed some bad decisions of a higher magnitude and an obvious poor decision making process, but that doesn’t give a teen the right to attack someone. On that same note nobody know what happened because he chose to confront GZ in a dark alley and seems like an odd choice for someone just wanting to talk.

  24. the chosen one. says:



    • Erica says:

      Here is another genius that cannot understand the concept of English. Where were you educated? This country is becoming more dumbed down every day.

    • Common Sense says:

      “I love jewelry thieves and thugs covered in gang tattoos, who joke about assaulting bus drivers on twitter and who get suspended for vandalism, and who are under investigation for burglary.”

      Says more about your character than anyone else’s.

  26. FUCK THIS SHIT says:


    • Erica says:

      Yes, I’m tired of the blatant disregard for the English language that you and your ilk exhibit.

    • Common Sense says:

      I’m tired of spooks thinking they can get away with stealing jewelry, stealing skittles, vandalizing and destroying everything in sight, attacking humans, etc and thinking they can get away with it just because they play the “BUT I be black!!” card.

  27. R.I.P Trayvon Martin says:

    to all the people who think trayvon stole and thinks that proves Zimmerman is innocent you are a complete ass hole and racist. The point of the matter is Zimmerman killed an innocent unarmed 17 year old boy that was not doing anything wrong but walking back to his dad house just because he was African american he thought he look suspected of doing something wrong……. this makes me sick and so upset every time they try to make Zimmerman the victim all the evidence is there that Zimmerman is guilty……….Zimmerman needs to be arrested!!!!!!

  28. What the holy FSM is wrong with you people? Trayvon Martin did not steal his skittles. That comes from a parody at The Free Wood Press, a satire site much like the Onion:


    The Free Wood tagline, “News That’s Almost Reliable” should be a dead giveaway.

    I can’t believe the efforts people are contorting themselves through to try and smear Trayvon Martin.

    It would not have mattered if Martin was the thuggiest thug since the invention of thuggery! Zimmerman pursued the boy, initiated violence, and CLAIMS injuries. He says he had a gash in the back of his head that needed stitches: head wounds bleed a LOT. He says his nose is broken, so where are the photos from the night of the shooting that would show the distinctive “racoon mask” black eyes a broken nose creates?

    Zimmerman was the aggressor, and under Florida law, if you start the shit, “Stand Your Ground” does not apply.

  29. Yung ethah says:

    Are u fuckin kidding me, u ignorant spic!! What local grocery gives receipts anyway ? Why the Fuck George zimmerman tested for any drugs or criminal history ? Whatever happened , it doesn’t justify someone to follow another person with a fully loaded fire arm and kill them and cold blood.. No worries though, all this ignorance will just lead to more racial problems which it seem like you guys want…. We will get you GEORGE ZIMMERMAN… Theres no justice for blacks in this white mans world .. .. Quote that

    • Common Sense says:



      2) HE WASN’T WHITE, HE WAS HISPANIC, so I don’t know what your “white man’s world” BS has to do with anything. Yeah, because lord knows how much whites love latinos, right?

      • Casey says:

        Was you there? Ok stfu then

      • nunya says:

        Exactly Casey. I’m wondering who’s cardinal angels source? As a wannabe journalist or whatever you’re definitely failing at being objective and neutral. But then again this ifs YOUR blog right?

  30. All you people defending Trayvon are imbeciles that believe anything you’re told by the media. The witnesses are all saying that Trayvon is the one who attacked Zimmerman. “Oh no that can’t be true, they’re all just a bunch of racists!!”. The following in no way proves that he attacked him, but read the following and decide for yourself.

    Trayvon Martin was suspended from school for marijuana possession, graffiti,and posessed 12 items of womens jewelry as well as a flathead screwdriver that the guard believed to have been used for burglary. He also potentially attacked a bus driver in the days before the shooting.

    Trayvon’s twitter is now disabled (It used to be NO_LIMIT_NIGGA), but I personally saw it before it was taken down yesterday. Notice that the original tweet has nothing to do with skittles as we know them (candy). The following is a real tweet, no bs

    “just got off the phone with mr green ass lol”
    2 replies
    “whats your favorite color skittle? Mines yellow”
    “mines red”

    Now take a look at the urban dictionary definition for skittles

    For extra benefit, check out this tweet by Trayvon’s real life friend. These are the kind of people he associated himself with.
    “Rather see dude die than risk him beatin his case..#LynchGeorgeZimmerman”

    Now, as most of you probably DON’T know, this shooting occurred at night, in the rain. Zimmerman was out there on neighborhood watch, sitting in his car looking for suspicious people. Now why was Trayvon out there? To get skittles and iced tea? When’s the last time you walked through the rain, at night, for skittles and tea?

    Trayvon was NOT the perfect angel that the media is painting him out to be, as you can see from the above. He was a 17 year old, 6’3” MAN. Do your own homework if you don’t believe me; everything I’ve said is real. Now the witnesses are saying he attacked Zimmerman, and Zimmerman even says Trayvon tried to grab his gun. If Zimmerman only followed him to kill him, why would he call 911 before hand? Likely Zimmerman just went to ask what Trayvon was doing there. Why would Trayvon respond in such a violent manner unless he had something to hide? Let me spell it out for your morons: Trayvon was most likely out there either buying or dealing drugs and was scared of getting caught by Zimmerman, scared enough to attack him.

    Ask yourself why anyone would be out there alone, at night, in the rain. Zimmerman had an excuse; he was sitting in his car watching over his neighborhood for suspicious looking people like Trayvon (give me a break with the hoodie shit; anyone walking at night in the rain with their face hidden is suspicious no matter what the color). What was Trayvon’s exuse, skittles and iced tea? Out at night in the rain? Are you really that gullible? Stop believing everything the media feeds you and do some critical thinking and research of your own.

  31. #IAMTrayvonMartin says:

    you dumb fuck, smh…all you WHITE people are MAD that black people are very angry with this case and yall wanna try so hard to to prove that heartless fat bastard innocent well the bitch aint innocent, to me idgaf what race it was…he still killed a young boy who was walking home ALONE…trayvon died alone…to me, that some bullshit that his life was taken away at such a young age, no mother should have to burry their child…and as for the steeling….he aint steel no damn skittles and iced tea…wtf?? JUST cause he black dont mean he steel…hell im black and i got enough money where i dont need to steel….im done w/ all yall hating ass white people and yes this 17 year old BLACK boy is finna make a difference….all around the world so hate it or love it…the underdog is always on top and MY school is finna do a march for him this friday FYI i go to an ALLL white school… #JusticeForTrayvon

  32. shanell says:

    OK think about it a Arizona is 1.00 and skittles range frm 60-75cents so if he had only 34cent dnt u think that’s the change frm wat he bought?????? I dnt remember the last tine I went to the store nd got a receipt…. Y’all muthafuckaz r just tryna find a reason for that man to be innocent

  33. Pingback: Were “@NO_LIMIT_NIGGA” Trayvon’s Fingerprints Found in Retreat at Twin Lakes Burglaries: Teen Responsible for Crime Spike During Week Visiting Dad? PeopleAgainstShittyCop (PASC) Wants to Know! « peopleagainstshittycop

  34. Pingback: Were “@NO_LIMIT_NIGGA” Trayvon’s Fingerprints Found in Retreat at Twin Lakes Burglaries: Was Thug Responsible for Crime Spike During Week Visiting Dad? PeopleAgainstShittyCop (PASC) Wants to Know! « peopleagainstshittycop

  35. #JusticeForTrayvon says:

    okay and whoever wrote that long ass summary bitch, he had some change on him, so how the fuck was he selling or dealing drugs you stupid bastard, he didnt have any drugs on him and he didnt have any REAL money yu DONT have facts, NEXT if a big fatass white guy was following you home, what would yu have done ? trayvon aint know who he was, for all he knew that fat bitch could have been a sick creep (which he is) and just because he was tall dont mean shit…height aint got shit on weight…so therefore that fat ass bitch had an advantage over trayvon, above many more…aka a gun, all trayvon had was screams and his hands and was obviously no use to him because he is DEAD now ! and everybody is different some people dont like the rain….most people do…its just a lil rain not a damn tornado…the BOTTOM LINE is Zimmerman MURDERD trayvon cold blooded…and it wasnt self defense because trayvon didnt even have a gun or any other iteam EXCEPT for skittles and iced tea…somebody in stanford police is hiding or covering for Zimmerman and yu better believe that if justice aint served something terrible is going to happen to that man, cause too many people dislike him as it is, yu do the math…

  36. I hate to say this but most black people I’ve ever and seen have been the niggers and I’m not a racist but IMO, we’re going to have to strip the blacks and Muslims of Civil Rights – until the War on Terror is over because we can’t tell which ones we can trust from the ones we can’t anymore.

    • RacistNo,TruthfulYes says:

      Here’s Ann Idea . LEAVE AMERICA . F-ck , This Is A Free Country , Were Black , Muslim, Mexican, ect . . . People W/ Riqhts Actually Fouqht For Them . Whites Juss Got Up On A Boat Ndd Invaded Peoples Privacy . Now Who Did U Say Needed To Be Stripped From Their Riqhts Aqain ?

  37. Bill says:

    It cannot be proven that he DIDN’T steal the items. You can’t prove a negative; that’s why the state has to prove you ‘guilty’ and not the defendent prove themselves ‘not guilty’ of a crime.

    The onus is on you to prove that he DID steal the items. He could have thrown the reciept in the trash outside the store, or let the cashier toss it out behind the counter. He doesn’t need to have a reciept. You do need proof that he stole the items, such as: store video, an eyewitness such as a store employee, etc.

    There you go: reasonable doubt. There was no need for you to get all excited and make that post.

  38. Axel Foley says:

    I’ve never gotten a receipt from a local convenience store. Racist motherfuckers are trying to throw salt on open wounds.

  39. Who gives receipts for purchases that small? Plus, convenience stores usually ask if you want a receipt or not. For those defending Zimmerman, do you have any sort of evidence that implies that Trayvon’s the bad guy? Pleaseeeee explain, oh wise ones.

    • I think you’re applying a troubling double standard that I’m seeing a LOT of people apply to this case. More and more I’m hearing about this “talk” (they call the Black Male Code) that black men have with their kids about “being black in America”. Yet while (white) people find this acceptable, it’s unacceptable that we are conditioned through our personal experiences and media to know that black males in hoodies and wearing those gold grills in their mouths are largely part of the anti white, black thug culture who embrace black on white crime as reparations and who see white victims of their crimes as “reparations offenders” and NOT criminals.

      I’m NOT anti black. But implore you to REALLY think about why you’re supporting what you support.


      Cardinalangel Wolfgang Yric,
      PASC publisher

  40. Angel says:

    Am I the only one that says no to store clerks when they ask me for a receipt after buying cheap item like skittles? Also, outside most stores are these things called trash receptacles…you know, just in case you want to throw away something…like a useless piece of paper.

    People just need to realize….just because you think it does not make it true.

  41. RacistNo,TruthfulYes says:

    This Is A Really Retarded Way To Excuse What Zimmerman Did , I Mean Wow , He Didnt Have A Recipt So He Didnt Pay For It . Think Dumb Asses , Even If He Didnt Pay For It , What Are U Goinq To Do ??? Arrest Him ??? He Is Dead Idiots , And U Can Thank Ur “Hero Ov A Neiqhborhood Watch W/ A Gun” Zimmerman . I Dont Even Kno Why U Guys Are Focusinqq On A Dead Man’s Faults When There Is An Alive Man W/ Even Worse Faults . God Bless America .

  42. Wynter says:

    Are you kidding me a 17 year old kid is dead and someone is worried about a receipt ? One most corner stores do not give you a receipt for small items . Two who the hell keeps a receipt for candy what is he going to do return it ?! Like come on someone is thinking about if he stole candy , but the man who killed a 17 year old boy is still walking the streets . The world is really fucked up !

  43. One thing I realy wanted to know,america is such a fuck up big old city,who mistreatd black people from before I was born,,suppose I should carry hate within for u guys,but because I know heaven is real,,am not paying u mother fuckers no mind,,how come u kill that boy,now saying he stole
    The arizona and skittles ,how many times we bought stuff at the store threw away the receipt,,u guys are such whips to kill that boy,,and now say he steals,,so what if he stole the 2.99 he should not of to die for something dosen,t worth shit,,life is priceless u assholes,,,am hurt degusted and fed up

  44. damian says:

    most of the corner stores to which i have been haven’t given me a receipt. i probably stole all of those items.

  45. Chalinazo says:

    Ya he did steal them. And Zimmerman as the watcher he was notified that a young black male was coming his way. Quickly George grabbed his caliber .45 Nd showed trayvon not to steal from his hood.
    HOW DO I KNOW?? I was fucking ma girl in zimmermans car. When the store clerk called him.

  46. If I dropped a deuce, it’d look like trayvon…

  47. glory says:

    Finally some of us out there are realizing that trayvon Martin was a troubled young man who had no parental, guidance. His father and mother didn’t even have a recent picture to give to the police. Now they want to paint this pretty picture of how close they all were. When in reality his father did not even know where his son was for two days ..now they are gonna sue everybody who got in their way. P

  48. M says:

    Video of Trayvon Martin purchasing the items before he was murdered by the vigilante.

    I look forward to reading your retraction of your unfounded claim that Trayvon Martin stole the items.

    • M,

      Thanks for this. I’ve seen it too and, though question will still remain until we’ve heard from the clerk, it does now appear that perhaps Trayvon did pay for the Skittles and the iced tea. By his (Trayvon’s) sluggish behavior in the store, however, many people are now questioning whether he was “high” and why he chose to wear the hoodie inside the store. Was he trying to scare or intimidate the clerk?

  49. Pingback: New Video Suggest Trayvon Paid for Skittles & Tea, But Sluggish Behavior & THC in Blood Suggest He Smoked Weed on Way to Store & Why Did He Wear Hoodie IN Store? Was He Trying to Intimidate Clerk? « peopleagainstshittycop

  50. towerflower says:

    When are you going to revise this story since there is a video tape from the 711 that shows TM PAYING for the skittles and ice tea shortly before he was killed. Also he was found to have around $40 on him and not just 34 cents.

  51. Pingback: The Muslim President, Barack Hussein Obama and Videos about Black People and More « Mormonism or All Religions – Scam or True

  52. JusticeIsServed says:

    HA! HA! HA! Looks like the media has dropped this case like a HOT FUCKING ROCK COVERED IN AIDS! LOL! Let’s see here, the “innocent child” attacked a bus driver because he tried to bully his way on the bus without paying, was caught on suspicion of dealing drugs, vandalism, and holding stolen goods. It was then CONFIRMED that he INITIATED THE ATTACK AND PUNCHED the NON-WHITE (half Jew/half Hispanic) Zimmerman IN THE FACE FIRST and then TRIED TO WRESTLE AWAY HIS GUN AND KILL HIM WITH IT… which is how he ended up getting himself KILLED.

    The blessed Rev. Jessee Jackson and saintly, totally non-racist at all Al Sharpton have left the room faster than a Temp. Nurse leaving a Senior Citizen home on burrito night.

    The media has gone COMPLETELY SILENT. Nothing. Not a PEEP!

    The the “innocent child” with the iced tea and Skittles was really just a gang member / thief / vandal / drug pusher / PIECE OF SHIT after all and Zimmerman was defending himself the whole time.


    In the future, I would like to see ALL gang members, violent criminals and vandal thugs MEET THE SAME FATE as payment for TURNING OUR WORLD INTO A TOILET. This goes for gang members, violent criminals and vandal thugs of all races, religions, sexual orientations and national origins.


    • American Human Being says:

      So you swallowing those rocks you threw a yer ago?

    • George S says:

      It’s quite clear you get your information from this website. I understand wanting all gang members and criminals and such brought to justice, but Treyvon was not a criminal. There is no evidence of him being a criminal. Maybe one day you’ll crawl out of your racist shell of yours and realize how stupid you sound.

      • WOW! So if Trayvon deserved to die forr that why the hell didn’t GZ die when he beat his fiance, bullied coworkers, carried his own personal chair from home to work and chained it to his desk and another person had to cut the lock off to even get in his damn desk & GZ made his company buy him that 7 dollor lock? Which by the way was his own fault because I can ‘t imagine GZ would have the audacity to think other people worked there too? Crimanals & thieves come in all shapes, sizes, colors & use different tactics but they’re still thieves just in different ways.GZ had a Daddy Judge to get him off all those times. He was accused of molesting a relative when he was Trayvons age.THE GIRL WAS TERRIFIED & DAMAGED BUT HAD TO HIDE HER PAIN TO KEEP HIS SECRETS & WORSE IF EVEN POSSIBLE asked to do so BY THE VERY PEOPLE WHO ARE SUPPOSED TO PROTECT YOU WHEN THAT SHIT HAPPENS SO THANK GOD YOU realize now that if TM DESERVED TO BE MURDERED BECAUSE HE MADE A FEW LITTLE MISTAKES THEN YOU OUGHT to BE SATISFIED AS HELL that GZ DESERVES TO DIE FOR WHAT HE DID & HE’s on trial now for one simple reason? instead of blaming God for planning the murder he better wise up and BLAME DEAR OLE DAD FOR THAT ONE because he helped him during his petty crimes & now there’s no way to save him, Because let’s be honest? Wether he walks or leisurely skips of that courtroom he will always be hated & considered a murderer to most people, karmas a bitch and the only seeds that sprout are the ones you plant

  53. Kay says:

    This is utter bs and you know it. How many times have you thrown out a receipt after buyin menial items? Many people do it all the time. Not having a receipt is not proof of theft. Secondly, the pic of the boy w his middle fingers up is a different trayvon Martin, who lives on north Carolina, not that if slain trayvon Martin of Florida. This has been corroborated by multiple sources that obviously take more time to validate the info that they publish than u do. Smh.

  54. perer says:

    if yall dont know any thing dont talk because you need to watch the store video and it will show you that he payed for the candy and tea and maybe he just had his hood on cause it was cold or something is it a law to wear your hood now george zimmerman didnt have any business shooting him dont matter what he was doing he could of went up to talk to him insted of shooting him. i dont even keep a receipt i throw it out when i buy something so yall need to talk what you know and watch the video

  55. kdkdkncnckd says:

    u guys should stfu if u dont know anything zimmerman is a motherfucker killer and he shouldnt be free

  56. Cathy says:

    What more proof do dumbass people need????

  57. American Human Being says:

    Funny i just watched the evidence and he had 40 dollars and 50cents on his body. Seems he wouldn’t need to steal. Hmmmm. And who keeps receipts? Do u have the receipt for the last drink or candy u bought at the gas station? Oh.

  58. Ashley says:

    You people have got to be kidding me…because he didn’t have a receipt obviously he stole a drink and some candy…because he took a picture with his middle fingers up or a picture with a grill in he’s a criminal you people and by that I mean the racist pigs who came up with this are ridiculous!!!! If you go through any late teen to early 20 year olds Facebook I’m sure you will find pictures of them behaving badly its what kids do and u look back and you’re like what the hell was I thinking grow up

  59. Casey says:

    This was so racist. People ask me do I want to keep my receipt all the damn time for simple shit like that! I say no! The fuck this got to do with a innocent boy getting shot because this ignorant ass watchman wanted to shoot for fun and be a hero.. GOODBYE hope you get life in prison you sorry piece of shit and for the person who wrote this.. Burn in hell you racist fuckers

  60. Sierra says:

    Well where im from they dont give receipts at convience stores. Unless u have a credit card or something.

  61. nunya says:

    What kid keeps a receipt? You all are just looking for a way to justify his death. Longing for the day when bigots reap what they sow

  62. Nice Try, But GZ's Guilty says:

    Who asks for or receives a receipt for such trivial items? And at a convenience store/corner store no less. That’s just silly to automatically assume the items must have been stolen. Nothing I’ve heard about this case would lead one to just assume that this boy was a thief. And he can be seen quite clearly on the store’s surveillance camera at the counter where he PAID for those two items.
    Nice try in trying to justify his murder. Even if he DID steal anything from the store, George Zimmerman would have had no way of knowing that, so he still would be guilty of racially profiling an unarmed boy who was merely walking the street and doing nothing wrong.

  63. Carmelina says:

    Racist idiot! There is video of him paying in cash. The cashier testified to him taking a long time to get the money out. As if stealing candy would make him more worthy of being murdered by a hog, wanna be pig.

  64. patricefarrington says:

    They just trying to make it seem like tray is a bad person but that doesn’t matter they can’t do nun he is dead because of some stupid self minded slow dirty dog to kill a fucking child really and they tryna turn the tables on trayvon I swear to God if he killed one of my kids I would have been the person to rot in prision cuz I’ve would have gut that Bitch like a fish and cooked his ass and throw him to dog and the people who think this shit is cool and think it is okay to kill a child y’all some sick people what if it was your child and stop

    judging us black folks on the way we dress or talk so what everybody is different u should be smart enough to think a boy to best up a grown man With a dam gun come on y’all some racists motherfuckers I hate every last one of you bye dnt know why IM wasting my time on you racist bitches stuckup motherfuckers we all human color don’t change a motherfucker thing IM so pissed I knew I should not have brought my ass on this this internet yall not gone change nobody you better change yo damn self before u change some esle remember that bitches

  65. patricefarrington says:

    They just trying to make it seem like tray is a bad person but that doesn’t matter they can’t do nun he is dead because of some stupid self minded slow dirty dog to kill a fucking child really and they tryna turn the tables on trayvon I swear to God if he killed one of my kids I would have been the person to rot in prision cuz I’ve would have gut that Bitch like a fish and cooked his ass and throw him to dog and the people who think this shit is cool and think it is okay to kill a child y’all some sick people what if it was your child and stop

    judging us black folks on the way we dress or talk so what everybody is different u should be smart enough to think a boy to best up a grown man They just trying to make it seem like tray is a bad person but that doesn’t matter they can’t do nun he is dead because of some stupid self minded slow dirty dog to kill a fucking child really and they tryna turn the tables on trayvon I swear to God if he killed one of my kids I would have been the person to rot in prision cuz I’ve would have gut that Bitch like a fish and cooked his ass and throw him to dog and the people who think this shit is cool and think it is okay to kill a child y’all some sick people what if it was your child and stop

    judging us black folks on the way we dress or talk so what everybody is different u should be smart enough to think a boy to best up a grown man With a dam gun come on y’all some racists motherfuckers I hate every last one of you bye dnt know why IM wasting my time on you racist bitches stuckup motherfuckers we all human color don’t change a motherfucker thing IM so pissed I knew I should not have brought my ass on this this internet yall not gone change nobody you better change yo damn self before u change some esle remember that bitches

  66. ABC says:

    There’s video of him paying for the drink and the candy at the store, dumbass. The clerk testified in court.

    • nunya says:

      All I can say is thank you all for standing up and voicing your concerns for a murdered individual, despite his shortcomings as deemed by society to be less than desirable (which we all are likely to be seen as having less than desirable traits, habits, etc) and I wholeheartedly thank you for seeing this websites divisive racism for what is: an evil seek and destroy, divide and conquer machine

  67. ayesha says:

    whatever dumb ass (excuses my French) thinks that Trayvon Martin stole those skittles is wrong if you ever want to 7-Eleven before you have the option of not having your receipt it clearly shows in a video that he paid for something at the counter

  68. Bel says:

    If you actually follow the case you’d know that they have a surveillance video of Trayvon Martin purchasing both the candy and tea also the store clerk testified to Trayvon Martin purchasing BOTH the candy and tea! Everyone does not hang on to their receipts and I highly doubt that him only having 34¢ constitutes that he stole the items and furthermore even of he so happened to have stolen the items how does that justify the fact that he was an unarmed minor who was gunned down? Self defense I think not if Zimmerman was getting the crap beat out of him in my eyes killing Trayvon still is not and was not justified!

  69. Justin says:

    I’m not going to lash out like a angry black young man, but there’s a video sir, showing where he gave a cashier money an a exchange for the skittles and Arizona he supposely stole, and the picture with him holding his middle fingers up isn’t him.. Look close at the young mans face

  70. J Brison says:

    I have seen the convience store video with him at the checkout counter… That’s a little incovient for your theory

  71. Damn Shame says:

    Who knows if Trayvon even said what everyone thinks he said to Zimmerman? That child is dead he can’t tell his side of the story. Just because Zimmerman is being consistent with the story doesn’t make it true. I can’t even believe this post. Aside from the racism, it’s plain disrespect to the dead. It’s a shame that every asshole out there is trying to make Zimmerman, a grown man with a gun who shot a baby, look like the victim. Self Defense? Trayvon was fighting for his life after he saw that gun , who wouldn’t? He probably got mad because Trayvon was getting the best of him and in his sick mind that gave him a right to shoot someone’s kid. Damn shame America.

  72. George S says:

    Is this a joke or something? Who the hell would keep a receipt for candy they bought at a gas station? The racial stupidity of this website knows no bounds. It’s sad to think people take advice from this garbage. He’s a god damn kid who got shot by a man. Look past his fucking race and realize that people like the creator of this bullshit are the real menaces to society.

  73. Dan says:

    Yes everyone, please ignore the fact Trayvon was a wannabe thug. Ignore the fact he was on his third suspension from school. Ignore his “gangst” tweets. Ignore the TCP in his blood. Ignore the fact his parents are raking in money and getting a trademark for his name for their personal enrichment. Ignore the fact the media doped the tape recordings. Ignore the fact that the “star witness” had a long history of lies. Ignore the fact that the judge has been in the prosecution’s hip pocket for the whole trial. Ignore the fact that Trayvon’s “loving father” didn’t even report him missing until a day later. Ignore the facts and make up your own truths to support your warped liberal view of the world lest you have to face the fact that you are truly the most dangerous racists of all.

    • nunya says:

      I can show you dangerous, dumb a&#! Lol jk… I’ll pray for, then wait on the Lord’s vengeance on people like you.

  74. Larry Non-Bigot says:

    So let’s say he stole them (though I’m sure he didn’t). Why are you bringing thus up? So does this justify his killing?

    • iamchattycathy says:

      He didn’t, if they watched the trial they’d know he didn’t but regardless they’re gonna blame the VICTIM till the day they die or GZ shoots them down too, Even if you support GZ there’s not one reason in this world to blame a victim other than to BASH THEM, GZ had the history of attacks, He ran to Daddy Judge to clean those up & he shot this kid down who was trying to run to his daddy, for people to bash a victim when only one side can tell the story and especially a known liar, IT WON’T BE FORGOTTEN…Trayvon is God’s child now so lettem have it, KARMA!

  75. iamchattycathy says:

    GZ’s supporters blame TM though you know damn well he’s wrong, If Trayvon attacked a cop,he’d been dead the day it happened or on death row. They use the excuse GZ gave as HIS defense..YET AGAIN? A liar to begin with? They believe GZ didn’t know he was an officer because GZ SAID SO,


  76. nunya says:

    Well the owner/publish of this website, along with other anti-Black people got their wish: the killing of yet another Black youth has been found to be justified. So sad.

  77. Richard White says:

    I don’t keep every receipt for things I buy, I usually put it in the bag with the purchased items. Did he have the items in a bag, or were they in his pocket? Ask the person who was at the counter what he bought…

  78. Dave Stoner says:

    American Blacks are at heart racists. Regardless of upbringing, education, or better judgement. They have a whole counter sub culture harboring hatred towards anyone not black. Even RG3 cannot escape the darkness of HATE from his own people..right ESPN? Paula Dean loses everything, will Rob Parker?

    Never mind all of our Country’s great struggles and huge leaps of progress towards equality for all…Blacks still insist on being persecuted while embracing a rapster mentality of destruction. Being “street” means being a racist. and siding with hatred.If you don’t call a woman a Hoe or Bitch, you just aren’t “street creditworthy”!

  79. Michelle says:

    Have you ever been to a store and they ask if you want a receipt and you say no? I do that all the time. Just saying…

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  81. Geraldo says:

    Howdy! This article could not be written any better!
    Going through this article reminds me of my previous roommate!
    He constantly kept preaching about this. I am going to forward this post to
    him. Fairly certain he will have a good read.
    I appreciate you for sharing!

  82. Aimee Wireman says:

    If you pay in cash where I live the cashier doesn’t offer a receipt and if you pay with a card you aren’t required to take the receipt

  83. Duane says:

    You ever but something out of a convince stood as a kid
    I was never given a receipt
    Fuck this

  84. Amanda says:

    Wow you are seriously pulling at strings here
    I mean none of my corner stores give receipts for candy and juice. Even if he did steal it that makes it okay to kill him no just the fact he’s black does. This is the second ignorant article I’ve read written by you and well you are the reason blacks hate us you and your hate is what’s stirring up the revolution. And honestly your kind deserves it and that has nothing to do with your complexion.

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