Did racist, anti white America President Barack Hussein Obama hand pick Eric Shinseki, a Japanese American, to be Secretary of Veterans Affairs so he’d revenge US for dropping atom bomb on Hiroshima?



PASC-did_4b1m1_1pp43nt_sh2nc2k3From the evidence it becomes abundantly clear that this situation, neglet of our Veterans and the hospitals that are suppose to be taking care of them not doing it, is precisely what Obama wanted when he appointed this third generation Hiroshima sympathizer Shinseki to office. But for Obama’s darkest desire: to hurt white America and our country it goes deeper.

Obama’s nomination of this this third generation certainly Hiroshima sympathizer most likely was most likely driven by the fact that he is still holding us accountable for his grandfather being jailed by British troops in 1949 and allegedly being brutally whipped for aiding the violent struggle for Kenyan independence . So cutting to the chase of it all, in Obama’s nomination of Shinseki, he was apparently looking someone who like himself who has a racial grudge against us. Read more of this post

No Death Penalty for Obama other son (Trayvon Martin brother) Tyrone Woodfork in”elderly white man murder & raping wife” for Black Foot Soldier Slavery Reparations cos Critical Race Theory said he could!

p1sc-tw_1nd_th2_str13tsTULSA – A man charged with brutally attacking an elderly couple, raping the woman and beating the man, is not facing the death penalty.

Trayvon THC in Blood

(Trayvon) Not the ‘innocent’ and ‘sweet” teen the mainstream media tried to introduce us to, huh?

Assistant District Attorney Steve Kunzweiler said he will not pursue the death penalty for Tyrone Woodfork, who is jailed in connection with the March 2012 death of 84-year-old Nancy Strait, because of Woodfork’s “mental limitations.”

Woodfork, now 21, is charged with first-degree murder and first-degree rape in Strait’s death and sexual assault. Her husband, 90-year-old Bob Strait,  was severely beaten.  He died less than two months later.

“There was much debate within our office as to whether we should seek the death penalty on this defendant because of the egregious nature of the crime and the age of Ms. Strait,” said First Assistant District Attorney Doug Drummond. “But ultimately the fact he had a borderline IQ score, as well as other mental history, led us to our decision.”

No Death Penalty Penalty for Obama’s  other son Tyrone Woodfork for “murdering elderly white man & raping wife” for his Black Foot Soldier Slavery Reparations because Critical Race Theory said he could!

All violent black on white (BOW) robbery, rape and murderers to be pardoned! Obama, Holder find Critical Race Theory in favor of blacks

pasc-th2_3m1g3n1r6_r1c2_w1rOK,  that headline is farfetched.But consider these facts:

NBFSN Definition of a Reparations Protester "Defending Himself"Black Americans long have had preference over whites in jobs, college admissions, and government contracts, via the racist affirmative rules and “diversity” goals as required by federal law.

  • Obama’s Attorney General, Eric Holder, has openly stated that white Americans are not protected against racist violence by the Hate Crime Laws.
  • The Corrupt Liberal media routinely censors the racial identifications of white victims of interracial violent crime and spins away the racist motives of of their black attackers,  when they are identified by race.
  •  Honest Policing  of brutal, violent, interracial crime has been cowed by “politically correct” policing and  Criminology studies where  the primary racial motive for brutal racist violence is ignored or censored and replaced with secondary motives like “robbery” or the ubiquitous “mystery motive”.

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Wikileaks dump of classified info reveals National Black Foot Soldier Network ideology is extreme “antiwhite” extremist rhetorhic &  a “viable threat against American whites, the West and Israel which should continue to be carefully monitered for situational awareness and that all law enforcement agencies, as well as other Region 5 partners, are encouraged to remain observant and report any  suspicious activity.”

p1sc-nbfsn3wl Read more of this post

Black Foot Soldiers declare: “THERE ARE NO INNOCENT WHITES!”

NATIONAL EMERGENCY: Why America Must Consider All Black Males as Black Foot Soldiers & Begin Preemptive Round-ups

Exactly what behavior by a “reparations offender” do National Black Foot Soldier Network (NBFSN) “reparations protesters” constitutes them, the ‘protesters’, being ‘forced to defend themselves‘?

Do the backs of the “reparations offenders” have to be turned so that the “offender” can’t see the “protester” coming?Is this one of the criteria NBFSN teaches its “Soldiers” to look for when staging their now nationally renown ‘reparations protests’?

As one of their ‘Network’ tenets is “the act of having white skin is racist” is must be. So, in the eyes of blacks ‘brave‘ enough to ‘stage’ these ‘peaceful reparations protests‘ against ‘generational race criminals’, it is our skin that is violent and what their ‘activists’ look for when determining if ‘God is going to perform a miracle for them and turn their bible into a gun‘ so they can ‘preach the gospel‘ that ‘the voices of their (justice denied) ancestors and ‘divine race karma‘ wants preached to ‘the devil‘.  But, according to the Black Foot Soldiers, they ‘peaceful but self defensive mission’ is being ‘false flagged’ by (inherently) ‘racist whites’.  Read more of this post

President Hussein Obama, Attorney General Eric Holder, Critical Race Theory is Their Silent Support for the Black Foot Soldier Reparations & Divine Race Karma (Justifiable Violence Against Whites) Movement


Critical Race Theory (CRT) was an intellectual development in the late 1970s and early 1980s in which some scholars, perturbed by what they perceived as a loss of momentum in the movement for racial equality, began to doubt that the constitutional and legal system itself had the capacity for change.

This criticism mirrored a Marxist attack long voiced in academia: that the Constitution had been a capitalist document incapable of allowing for the redistributionist change necessary to create a more equal world. To create a more equal world, the Constitution and the legal system would have to be endlessly criticized – hence critical theory – and torn down from within.  Read more of this post

New Blooded Nose George Zimmerman Photo Silences Critics, Proves He Fought for His Life, Was Justified in Use of Force & Trayvon’s Guilt


ANOTHER ONE OF ‘EM FORCES US TO STAND OUR GROUND! Jew Fueled Florida Black Foot Soldier Teen Thugs Threaten White 45 Year Software Development Executive at Gas Station; 17-year-old Anti-White Insurgent Jordan Davis Killed; I say ANY white Americans who have EVER been accosted by racist black youth playing terrorizing anti-white rap music know EXACTLY why Michael Dunn feared for his life!

Report: Vicious Black On White (BOW) Killer Gary Simpson’s Strong Ties to Southern Cali Black Foot Soldiers believing in the BOW Divine Racial Karma Martyrdom i.e. Black Foot Soldier Suicide BOW Killer….

“William Gary Simpson came into our home that morning, with the intention of killing my husband and three children, myself, and the 7 other children staying with us over Christmas break. Why? Because – he could not stand for such an ‘inferior race’ to have so much love in their home! He could not tolerate my children, and all the other children, being loved so unconditionally, the way he wanted his ‘superior black parents’ to love him! And so, he planned for almost one year… He ‘practiced’, not only by taking self defense, sword fighting and martial arts classes at college – but by killing! And then he came with an entire duffle bag filled with knives, watching our home for over 2 weeks while hiding out in a nearby foreclosed home, waiting for the optimum moment – to annihilate us all.”  BOW hate crime victim Catherine Burke writes in her first public essay about the December 20, 2011 event by William Gary Simpson that resulted in the absolutely unforgivable loss of her beautiful 18 year old daughter, Saskia.  From the excerpt above, remember her last four words the most (he came here) “to annihilate us all.”

I’m asking you to pay attention to those last four words because Burke, who through tremendous pain, penned her emotional story, because according to new sources, that have yet to be confirmed, annihilating her family is EXACTLY what 19 year old black on white (BOW) killer William Gary Simpson wanted to do. … You’ll also want to make a personal note to yourself  to remember the last sentence in the short snippet from her essay below:

Our 18 year old daughter Saskia was viciously, violently stabbed to death here in our home December 20, 2011 by William Gary Simpson! Simpson grew up as a friend of our son’s, a friend of our family – we’d known him over 10 years! What we didn’t know until after his attack, is that he was raised by a black supremacist! 

Now let’s compile the two extracts I added you to set aside starting with the latter first: William Gary Simpson is a black supremacist extremist who, on December 20, 2011, set out to kill every member of the Burke family. Why? Because they were “inferior.”  But from where would a nineteen year old attending  the most dynamic and diverse college in the Inland Empire, Riverside Community College,  learn to embrace a racist ideology as such? According to new but unconfirmed sources, Simpson allegedly has  “strong ties to the Southern California Black Foot Soldier who reportedly believe in  something believed to be called a  “BOW Divine Race Karma Martyrdom” doctrine wherein “activists,” who when “purposed” by “Divine Racial Karma, liken themselves to “suicide bombers” and “expect to die in the fulfillment actions they believe to be driven by the universe.

While not stated in full on their Website – and probably out of fear of violating Blogger’s TOS (because superficially they deny they clearly ARE about violence against non people of color, the infrastructure for this ideologically is published repeatedly:

“White America failed to make restitution for race crimes in the time given by Universe to restore harmony & will answer for their deeds. While we deplore violence, we know the martyrs of racial karma are the martyrs of Allah & are also the martyrs of Yahweh and they often cannot deny God’s calling. Yet while they might suffer here on earth for allowing God to use them as His vessels of His sacred and prophesied of karmic retribution, they greatly rewarded in Heaven for collecting the Universal bounties against them.” YakubMuslim condemnation minister Malachi Nigaros says.
Based on the strong evidence, we have to wonder if in two years 17 year old Trayvon Martin would have been another William Gary Simpson.