If Obama Had a Son, Would He Look Like Tyrone Woodford, too?

This is an EXCELLENT piece published by JammieWearingFools.com that does make you question why President Obama ISN’T as vocal for on the actions of  other young, black  males – like Tyrone Woodford – as he was about thug Trayvon Martin.  Below, Jammie writes:

Gonna need a really big hoodie to conceal that hair. Strangely, our president hasn’t weighed in on this or myriad other crimes perpetrated by blacks. Why is that?

Great question Janmie! Of course, though, the Black Foot Soldier Network (NBFSN) is calling this one of their ‘reparations protests:

“Until Tyrone Woodfork Do We Part:” The Nancy & Bob Strait Reparations Protest; “Neighbors say (Holocaust denying) elderly couple were kind and helpful.” (RE- SPONCE:) “Fuck vile, old reparations offenders Nancy & Bob Strait who thought they’d live their ENTIRE piggish lives & not answer for their lifelong Trans Atlantic Slave Trade Repa-rations Denial. Like you, they were wrong.” Tulsa County Black Foot Soldier Ford Rowland “It is regretful they apparently chose to turn this protest violent & force brother Woodfork to defend himself. We deplore violence, but praise brother Woodfork’s courage in face of evil.” Read more of this post