Called a “Hypocrite” who “Deserved It,” by the NY Black Foot Soldiers, the Liberal New York Philanthropist Blinded in Shopping Cart Attack by Savage, Anti White, Single Parent Black Teens Forgives Them!

Called a hypocrite” who is said to have “deserved it” by New York Black Foot Soldiers the New York mother of two who suffered a serious brain injury and lost the use of her left eye after two teenagers sent a shopping cart crashing down 50 feet onto her says she forgives the boys and is more concerned for the welfare of her own teenage son, who witnessed the accident. ABC News reports.  The attitudes of liberals never cease to amaze me.

“I wish them well, I do,” she said. “I feel very sorry for them. My son is 13 also, and he is a very good boy.” …  “The video shows my son being so brave, but I don’t want him to hear the screaming and the trauma,” Hedges said. “I don’t think my son or his friends would do anything like that. These boys obviously have some issues. A shopping mall is no place for kids, but they had nowhere to go on that day.”

Marion’s husband Michael Hedges doesn’t seem to be suffering from her “embrace diversity at all costs” attitude:

“What have these two young thugs learned? That you can get away with something like this with very little punishment, and that’s a very bad commentary on the state of justice,” Michael Hedges Sr. said, adding to ABC News New York affiliate WABC that he believes the boys should be “hung by their toe nails.”

At least there’s still some sanity in their family.

About cardinalangel
What Shittycop is all about is NOT exposing police brutality - but encouraging police brutality. As with other blog service providers - such as Wordpress - Shittycop makes grand headlines and then in fine print calls for violence against police & urination during their funerals. Clearly well beyond "inappropriate" into the "hateful" and "threatening" level.

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